Vladimir Mashkova's daughter told that the actor had to make her get away from her husband


Ten years ago, Maria was seriously worried about the treason of her husband - Aktera Artem Semaakina, but did not decide to divorce with the wrong spouse. At the time of despair, it seemed to feel anything, Masha called Dad and, according to the first Soblip, realized that the son-in-law was "naululigan". "Masha, take a fur coat and go," the father of a frustrated daughter said then. The girl recalls that she continued to choke tears and replied that she had no fur coats. "You do not have a fur coat?" The artist was surprised and used the obscene verb, calling for immediately breaking the relationship with Semaakin.

Vladimir Mashkova's daughter told that the actor had to make her get away from her husband 103752_1

However, this is exactly what Masha did: after four years of marriage, she left Artem to meet his true love in the person of a businessman Alexander Slobodianica and give him two daughters. The heartfelt story came to the subscribers of Mashkova in the soul, they praised a caring father for the right words. It should be noted that the 34-year-old Maria went in the footsteps of his favorite dad and also became an actress. Among the most famous works are the series "Black label" and "Lights from the next world."

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