Zach Braff at the show Jimmy Kimmel


Zach Braff completely plunged into the work on Broadway: "This is 1700 places theater. From the scene I see only the first row, and once there was a firmly sleeping old woman. Let's remind you that the orchestra plays the show. Everything is very loud: there are sounds of shots, 15 Chechetokes ... But the woman slept tightly. In the intermission I sent it a Red Bull with a note: "Listen, it is very difficult to perform for 1699 other people when you sleep. Could not make a couple of sips and wake up. "When I went to the scene ... I am not inventing now. Her family planted her right with the help of children's seats, they put glasses on her and put it in her hand Red Bull. And so she spent the whole second act! "

Jimmy asked his guest to explain how he found himself on stage while performing the Aerosmith group at the birthday of Howard Stern. "Stephen Tyler tried to raise the hall, shouting that the actors came to him on the stage. But I was the only one who came out. I came running to Stephen in full delight, turned around - there was no soul anymore. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to take a picture of Stephen. Situation So it was already too awkward, so at least the photo remains. "

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