Scenario 7 Season "Games of Thrones" "Slily" to the network


So far, there is no complete confidence that the script published is the original. HBO did not provide comments about what happened. Earlier, the same account was published spoilers to the previous season, which were subsequently truth. The actors performing key roles in the saga opposed such leaks. In particular, the actress Natalie Emmanuel, who performs the role of Mrs., noted that the publication of premature rumors is dishonest towards fans. To date, the original post is deleted from the site, however, his heat Street portal, while playing a plot on a separate series.

First episode

White walkers marched south to the wall. Bran travels from the wall back to Westeros and meets with a mournful Edode, a new Lord Commander of the Night Watch.

Sansa and John argue about what to do with the houses of the North, who betrayed them to Bolton. Sansa and Lianna Mormont want to give the land of traitors to those who supported the resistance to boltons. John against. As a result, John decides to do in its own way, refusing to blame children of Kartarkov and Amberrs.

At the end of the DeEneris series, Tyrion and other characters from the ending of the last season arrive in the dragon stone - the old Stannis fortress near the Royal Harbor. They enter the room with a huge map of Westeros, where Daeneris says "Well, let's start?", Finally declare the war of seven kingdoms.

Second series

John Snow gets a crow from DeEneris, who calls the Lords of the North to meet in the dragon stone to negotiate. John and Sir Davos decide to ask her dragon glass for war with white walkers and their army of undead.

Santa remains to dispose of Winterefelle.

Third Series

John Snow and Sir Davos meet with Tyrone in Dragon Stone.

Tyrion introduces them to Deeneris. She calls John to bow his knee, but he refuses. John tells her about the army of white walkers, but she does not believe him. Davos convince DeEneris that John survived a miracle of the resurrection, but John interrupts his speech. In Tyrion, sympathy for John wakes up, and he supports it.

Deeneris begins to respect John, but John does not feel the same towards her.

Bran arrives to Sanas in Winterfelle, and the world, which all this time he was accompanied, finally gets to the neck.

Fourth series

On the events of this series, only the fact that Arya Stark is returned to Winterfelle after all his wandering.

Fifth Series

Everyone is gradually returned to Winterfelle. Summaging Sam with Gilly's wife and baby too.

Jorah again with Dani. During the season, he is heal from his illness, and then returns to it in a dragon stone.

John receives a crow, from which he learns that Bran and Arya are in Winterfelle.

Jamie Lannister and a former gangster Bronn meets with Tyrion and Davos. Tyrion calls on his brother to get the queen Serne to surrender. Jamie refuses.

Sixth series

John and his company meet with Bastardom King Robert - Gendry, which now consists with a fraternity without banning. They float into one of the castles of the night watch to capture one or several white walkers hostage and prove Westeros and Daeneris, that they exist. John promises that he will remove the title of the King of the North, if Deivener promises help him in the war against white walkers.

John collects a detachment from Berick, Toros, Tormund, Jorac and Gendry. The team attack. Sky Toros dies.

The army of the night king surrounds them in the center of the frozen lake, but the Daeneris Dragons arrive here and the John team saves. John will not be able to save, he remains on Earth. The king of the night kills the Dragon of the Verionon and makes it from it its own ice dragon zombie.

John fights from the last strength while "half-white walker" Bengen Stark, who helped Bran in the past season, does not come from the age group to help him. Benjene is killed, and John managed to rip his horses.

Seventh Series, Final

In one of the previous episodes, the little finger is trying to continue to weave the intrigue and boils the arus and Sansu to each other, using an old letter written by Sansa under the pressure of Lannister. Bran will find out the truth. Sansa sentences Mizinz to death. Arya execute traitor.

Sersa will find out that it is pregnant from Jamie, but wakes up in bed, full blood: she has been miscarriage.

Sam and Bran will learn about the pedigree John (Mother - Lianna Stark, Father Rayegar Targaryen) and his present name - EIG. Moreover, it turns out that it is not Bastard, but a completely legal applicant.

Not knowing this, John and Deeneris make love in the ship north.

In the last scene of the season, the king of the night on his dead ice dragon shakes the millennial wall. From now on Westeros defenseless before the army of the dead.

Other events of the season

Dorn and high gardens will capture Lannisters. Olena Tyrell will tell Jamie about how she and the little finger poisoned Joffrey at the wedding. While the soldiers go to her chambers, Jame allows her to take poison.

Eurone Grandge also attacks Dorn, kills two sand snakes and captures Ellaria captures.

The fleet of Euron destroys the fleet of Yary. It is captured captured, and the theon manage to run.

Danie suits the demonstration execution. For example, burns father and brother SAM's fat man. Later, Tyrion discourages her to attack the royal harbor directly to avoid thousands of victims among civilians.

It was Sam who helps Jorah Mormont to cure from his illness.

Arya meets his Lutovolka by Vinterfelle on the road.

Jamie, Bronn and the Lannister Army fall into the ambush by Dotrachetsev, organized by Daeneris. The army dies, and Bronn saves Jamie from the dragons.

The most important scene

Closer to the season final in the script there is a scene, where in the dragon pit there are almost all key characters of the series. During peace negotiations, John leads one of the dead Army of the King of the night and explains the danger that threatens to all seven kingdoms.

Sersa orders the mountain to kill the dead man, but it does not work. Exterpassed and broken zombies still continues to live and fight. John talks about the power of dragon glass - the only weapon that can kill such creatures.

Sersi promises to help in the war against the king of the North, but later tells Jamie, which is looking forward to the invasion of the army of the Dead, so that they destroy all its enemies. Jamie's response sister leads to indignation, and he leaves north.

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