Officially: Season 8 "Games of Thrones" will be the last


In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Blois reminded that from the very beginning, the Showranner began to work on the "game of thrones", implying a certain and final number of seasons, and it is according to their wishes that the series will end in 2018, and not stretching for many years. Two final, shorten seasons - 7 and 8 - will come out, respectively, in 2017 and 2018 and the total will provide 13 episodes (it is already known that 7 episodes will be 7 episodes, but Bibos noted that the final decision on the number of episodes in 8 The season has not yet accepted).

In addition to the reminder that the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" have to say goodbye to the favorite TV series after the 8th season, Blums hinted and spin-offs may well appear in the future - the HBO Guide "Open" for ideas for ideas TV shows whose action will also unfold in Westerosa. Given the popularity of the series and critics, and at the audience, you can be almost confident that after 2018 we also heard about Westeros.

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