George Martin told who survive in the Final "Games of Thrones"


A publishing Tech Insider was able to get a letter that George Martin addressed the editors in the distant 1993, when only started to create the "Song of Ice and Flame". In the letter, the writer explains that he plans to launch the trilogy of novels, and at the same time says than this trilogy will end.

According to the idea of ​​George R. Martin, in the original "Song of Ice and Flame" there are 5 key characters that will last to the end, turning to adolescents in adults and in the process of growing up the world. In his letter, the writer called this trilogy "Saga about generations", telling the history of the life of these five heroes - three men and two women.

According to the design of George Martin, 5 key characters who live to the very end - Tyrion Lannister, Deeeneris Targaryen and Three Starks: Arya, Bran and John Snow.

Of course, no one guarantees that the Games of the Games of Thrones will decide to stick to the original Writer Plan and can really save all five. However, their fate will clarify in the next 2 years - "The game of Thrones" comes to an end, and the audience remained only 2 seasons of the beloved series.

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