Top 10 of the most long-awaited "serial" kisses


Booth and Brennan, "Bones" (Season 3, 9 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

Caroline Julian gave the "bones" fans the present Christmas miracle, forcing Bouot and Brennan to kiss under the mistleta - and thus finally recognize their feelings to each other, even if only a few minutes. However, the serial pair took still two seasons in order to admit that in fact they had already managed to practice in kisses - in fact, the first kiss of Buta and Brennan came to their very first thing.

Oliver and Felicity, "Strela" (season 3, 1 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

From the very moment, Oliver and Feliciti met in the very first season "Arrows", the fans of the series were looking forward to official peyring - but Other women were in life at that time, so in the love of Feliciti he admitted only in the final 2 Seasons (and even then only as a strategy to defeat the defortion). Fortunately, in the Premier Series of the 3rd season, the fans found out that Oliver really loves Felicity and is ready to back up his feelings by a kiss. However, the full-fledged Peyringa Oliver / Felicity The audience waited only at the end of the 3 season.

Damon and Elena, Vampire Diaries (Season 3, 10 Series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

Over the past three seasons, the creators of the "Vampire Diaries" were skillfully maneuvered within the boundaries of the love triangle: at first, in the finals of the first season, Damon kissed the twins of Elena, then, in the final of the season 2, Elena kissed Damon (though, only as the fulfillment of the desire of the dying) - And only 10 series of 3 seasons, the audience finally waited for a full-fledged kiss. Of course, so immediately Heppi End did not work - a pair of Damon / Elena took shape only to 4 season, when Elena became a vampire.

Castle and Beckett, Castle (season 3, 13 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

"Chemistry" between the main characters of Kasla was visible to the naked eye from the very beginning, but only after three years, the audience waited for the first kiss. However, it was not a romantic, and tactical move - to distract the guard. But the romantic relationship from the pair of the main characters fans of "Castle" had to wait two more and a half season after this first kiss.

Eric and Juices, "Real Blood" (Season 3, 2 Series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

"Real Blood" began as a history of love Juices and Bill, but from the moment the "bad" Eric performed by Alexander Skarsgard appeared on the scene for the first time, everything became clear what it ends. Muddyly suffer "chemistry" on the screen, the audience waited for the first kiss of Eric and juices only three years later, in the 3 season - although neither Bill, nor Eric Soki, as a result, did not remain.

Luke and Lorelai, Gilmore Girls (season 4, 22 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

The very first scene in the TV series "Gilmore girls" is a scene between Laurage and Lorelai: she asks him to coffee, he hints at her excessive addiction to caffeine. From the very first episode, "Chemistry" between characters saw everything, but some wonderful ways of Gilmor's girls managed to stretch this story of love as much as 4 seasons. After brides, boyfriends and even wives on their paths, Lorelai and Luke were still kissed for the first time at the end of the 4th season.

House and Cuddy, "Dr. House" (Season 5, 6 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

Gregory House and his disgusting character for Lisa Kaddy were a constant source of headaches, but their mutual respect for each other ultimately rearranged into something more. The culmination of the history of House and Cuddy probably caused many lightweight sigh "Well, finally," and the emotionally it turned out that the scenarios "House" prepared for this, without a doubt, a bright pair in the future.

Rick and Mishonn, "The Walking Dead" (Season 6, 10 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

Favorite women Rick Gilims ultimately turned out to be dead, but Mishonne, it seems that it was not frightened. For years, showing the fans to the friendship of two key heroes of "Walking", the showrooms of the series in the 6th season finally decided to please them with something big.

Spike and Buffy, "Buffy - Vampire Fighter" (Season 6, 7 series)

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

At the start of "Buffy", Spike was almost the main villain, but from the very beginning of the series the audience hoped for the fact that sooner or later Spike and Buffy would be together. A small gift of spipes Showranner "Buffy" was made in the 4th season, when the spike spell was influenced by the spell and Buffy, they fell in love with each other, but the first kiss of the couple took place in 6 years after the start of the series - and also fell on one of the most Memory episodes "Buffy", the musical series "OnCe More with Feeling". It is a pity that the Happi-End had this wonderful couple that did not happen.

Mulder and Scully, "Secret Materials" (Season 7, 4 Series)

Seven years. Seven years, Karl!

Top 10 of the most long-awaited

Mutual attraction of Mulder and Scully was noticeable to the naked eye from the first seasons of X-Files, and repeatedly Showranners of the series raded the audience with hints to the fact that the relationship of this couple will ever be more than partner - but to wait for this development to spipes had long been 7 years. We give tribute to Chris Carter and his team of screenwriters - probably, no other series would have managed so much to "marine" the audience in anticipation of the kiss of the main characters.

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