Dima Bilan made vaccination from Kovida: "Temperature and light fog"


The popular Russian artist Dima Bilan recently told his fans that he decided to make a vaccination from coronavirus. A pandemic gradually begins to subscribe, and many stars decided on vaccination in order to return to the usual way of life again.

The 39-year-old performer has published a short video in his personal blog, in which she told about how his first days after vaccination took place. According to Bilan, he recalls the first months of the beginning of the pandemic with horror. The musician was very afraid to get infected, so it constantly wiped packets from the store, handled his hands and often changed the masks. The singer was afraid to go to important events and practically did not see friends with his family. "I'm tired of worrying about this, and I was worried about loved ones. But today I completed the second stage and I hope everything will be fine, "said the performer.

Dima Bilan showed a certificate of grafting fans, noting that he hoped that now, thanks to this document, he would be able to move freely around the world. The singer admitted that after the first vaccination he had a slight ailment. "I had a temperature of 37.1, no more. It lasted all 2.5 days. A little "fog" is lightweight and, in today's language, "Podkolkashiva", "said the singer.

Bilan clarified that after the second vaccination he did not hurt anything, so the singer expects that everything will go well this time. The musician noted that his parents were also vaccinated. At the same time, Bilan noted that no one calls to put the vaccination. "Everyone decides himself what to do and how to live, I do not call, - but I share personal experience! Let's see what the analysis will say after 3 weeks, "the musician added.

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