Video: John Travolta celebrated Christmas after the death of Kelly Preston


John Travolta shared with subscribers in Instagram Christmas video, where she showed his children - 20-year-old Ello Blo and 10-year-old Benjamin.

Star Father filmed his children in the morning in pajamas when the family gathered at the Christmas tree. "Family of Travolta wishes to all the merry Christmas!" - Sign John's video.

This is the first Christmas John over the past 30 years, which he meets without his wife Kelly Preston. The marriage wife died from breast cancer in July of this year. She was 57 years old.

The couple was also the third child, the son of Jett, who died in 2009. The boy was an autistic and suffered from Kawasaki syndrome - a disease that amazes the average and small arteries, because of which the Jetta had epileptic seizures. In 2009, during a family holiday in the Bahamas, the boy had such a seizure, he fell and hit his head about the bath.

Remembering the loss that the travolit family suffered this year, the actors' subscribers leave him and his children warm words in the comments: "Merry christmas your beautiful family", "We are very respectful and love you", "What are you strong. Through so many were held, but still happy to the holiday and share love with us "," What a beauty has grown by Ella. "

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