"She has always been a lape": Actor "Mandalortz" Bill Burr supported Ginu Karano


In the middle of the last month, due to a sharp commentary of Gina Carano, a Lucasfilm studio with a scandal dismissed the actress from the team of Mandalorets. The star compared the current political situation in the United States with an episode from the history of Nazi Germany. All this resonance absolutely does not understand the Standap-comedian Bill Burr, which played in the very serious branch of the "Star Wars" episodic batch of Madfield mercenary.

Thoughts about the situation, the comediographer shared in a personal podcast, at the same time criticized the so-called "CULTURE CULTURE":

"Strange times went ... Okay, she would have done something really terrible or said something frankly racist. I do not even know what kind of argument. I think now too much all sorts of platforms have been divorced. After all, I am shooting in the same series and now I must constantly filter my speech. Gina has always been a lape, she is damn a cute man. You see, never guess who will not be guessed by the quotes, for example, this is my video ... People will twisted everything I said, and try to prohibit letting my bald figures [On the wave of scandal, Hasbro stopped production of kara dunes] ... So live now. Crazy times came. People were attached to waiting for the moment when you wish. Now it looks like this: allowed himself a stupid comparison - and your dreams flew into the pipe. I look from the side and guess: does anyone go through the courage to oppose? "

So far, Mr. Burr is the only one of the creative team of the series Disney +, openedly supporting Carano.

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