"Gnome Dwarfs right glows": a new photo of the sons Plushenko produced a furyor on the net


Producer Yana Rudkovskaya shared family frames with a newborn son. A shot of Alexander and Arseny fascinated stars fans.

45-year-old Rudkovskaya arranged a small photo session with the participation of younger heirs. Sasha, more famous under his home nicknamed Gnome Dwarf, carefully holds the younger brother. On the smile and tenderness in the look it is noticeable that Sasha is glad to talk with a small arms. The baby's face in the photo Yana closed the smile with a heart.

Producer arranged shot in the children's younger son. In the background there is a carved baby cot, decorated with beam figures, and a homepage for kid dating.

"Nurse. Who are our arseny, do you think like? There are options?" - Yana asked for subscribers.

The opinions of fans were expected: some suggested that the arsenia would have more mother's damn, and others decided that the baby was a poured father. Someone even suggested that at this age younger in the Plushenko family more reminds Gnomomy's gnome than someone from his parents.

"On mom", "On you, Yana," "I think," I think Plushenko is strong genes, and it looks like a san, "let her daughter be like a daughter,", "looks like a gnomomy ! Without options! " - Plotoviers wrote.

Many noted that Sasha looks amazingly happy in the photo. "What kind of Sasha gentle elder brother turns out", "Sasha is so happy with the advent of the brother, the whole glow shone", "What a Milot", "I wanted a brother very much that Sasha very much," the fans went down.

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