Jody Foster and Kristen Stewart look at her fear of face


Radaronline writes that the Oskarone 47-year-old actress Jody Foster pursues a fan. According to the Los Angeles Police, this is not an adult man, this is a teenager, at least that is in the American law, as it is still younger than 21 years. At the moment it is under house arrest, as follows from the police protocol. The incident occurred at the end of May-early June, the exact date was not disclosed. While it is only known that in the police station Los Angeles during this period of time I once arrived a call from the house of Jody Foster: the movie star reported that the house was trying to penetrate and it could threaten her security with children (from the actress sons from the past marriage 11 And 8 years) - immediately recalled the plot of the film FINTER "Fear Room"! Later, a teenager was detained, as he said later at the police station, that he was just a selfless fan of Jody Foster, he just waited at the house when the actress comes out to take an autograph from her. From the same protocol, it is clear that Jody Foster recognized the hooligan - he was already trying to photograph her earlier without her consent.

In parallel to this incident with an inadequate fan of Foster, her on-screen daughter in the picture "Fear Room" Kristen Stewart almost the same situation, if not worse, since the persecutor is still not caught. From the British Elle's room, everyone knows that Kristen has a systematically calling inadequate fan, but according to the actress, it keeps the situation under control. Her relatives do not think so, writes Chicago Sun Times. In parallel with the telephone stacker, it turns out, at Stuart as a Foster has a male pursuer. He writes Kristen Stewart writing with drawings and threatening sexual subtext. The personality has not yet been identified, but judging by the conclusions of forensic experts, this is a teenage boyfriend. The Radaronline source draws attention to the protocol from the Los Angeles Police of the end of May-early June, from which it was clear that there was a night call from the home of Kristen Stewart: it seemed to them that someone had tried to penetrate their daughter in the room. There was no actress - Stewart was in another country in a promotional tour. Kristen Stewart herself does not believe that the obsession of some fans is more dangerous than the obsession of many paparazzi. Here is the second just a young star strain more. As for his concrete pursuer, it was possible that he tried to penetrate her room in her absence, Stewart perceives it calm enough. According to her relatives, Kristen is too much careless about its security, considering the fears of relatives and friends for her life with groundless and paranoid.

We want to draw the police attention, again writes Radaronline, to the fact that two events that occurred in one period of time may not be random. If Radaronline journalists immediately emerged in the memory of associations with the film "Fear Room", then there may be the stalker Jody Foster and that teenager that writes letters and tried to get into the room missing Kristen Stewart, one face?! Maybe the guy reviewed too many times a "fear room" and thought to play the nerves of the actress and in real life?

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