Kelly Preston in Health magazine. September 2011.


About how she passed through the death of her son Jetta: "Honestly, a Scientological center helped me. I do not know how I walked through it without him. "

About her very liberal upbringing: "In Hawaii, where I grew up, there is a delusion that marijuana is not addictive, and that it is natural and even useful."

About alcohol and drugs: "I do not drink, I do not smoke, we do not use drugs. I did all this. And now I live truly pure life. "

About the desire to be mom: "I always wanted to be a mother, from 11 years old ... I starred in commercial rollers for thousands of dollars, but I still worked for a nurse for $ 3 per hour, because I liked it."

The council that she would give former to himself: "Do not worry about trifles. Love your children as if it was the last day of your life. "

On the birth of the son of Benjamin: "We tried for several years .. when I found out that I was pregnant, it was shocked. I woke John, and we both cried. It was wonderful".

About her surreal life with John Travolta: "I will sit there (in our house in Florida), do something completely normal and usual with children, and then unexpectedly I will hear the noise and see the lights of the aircraft, it seems that:" Dear, I'm at home! ".

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