Lindsay Lohan will play gangster daughter


Yesterday, a press conference was held in the New York Hotel Sheraton about the launch of the film about the famous Gangster John Gotti, which John Travolta will play.

The plot of the film, the director of whom was Nick Cassabetis, will tell about the relationship between Gothti-senior, the head of the criminal family of Gambino, and his son who inherited a family business, after his father's arrest. Johnn Gotti Sr. was convicted of life imprisonment in 1992 for participating in the murder of 13 people, he died of cancer in 2002. Lindsay Lohan will play the role of daughter John Gotti in this film.

"I think she is incredible," said Victoria Gotti. - I can, she is a stunning actress. I think she can actually play any role. I think all these court cases are complete nonsense. It seems to me someone just looking for PR and of course gets it. But I think she is great. People penetrate her sympathy .. And I think that everything around goes to her only for the benefit, and I like that she does not have anything to do it. She does not give anyone to bring it out of the gauge. It seems to me that she is very tough. I think she can fall, but immediately rises to the feet. "

"I know for sure that Lindsay Lohan is my big fan," says John Travolta. "I always thought she was magnificent and talented, and it had a depth." Therefore, whatever she did, she will still remain amazing for me. "

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