"I don't want to wake up": Borodina insulted the fact that the "woman of the year" was Morgenstern


37-year-old TV presenter Ksenia Borodina is shocked by the fact that the "woman of the year" became the rapper of the Morgenstern. The annual Prize MODA Topical magazine has become a real surprise for many stars of the national show business. It turned out that the musician himself was not at all against the title assigned to him. He climbed the scene into a fur cape, a hat with fields and female glasses. Guests of the secular event were confused and did not even applaud the artist. Ksyusha emotionally responded to the appearance in the Hall of Morgettern.

"I want to say the words of my wife's wife, with which I am friends: I don't want to wake up in the world, where the woman of the year is becoming a morgenshtern. What babs in Russia translated, I can't understand! " - concluded Teediva.

In her opinion, the decision still should be revised. She is convinced that the title owner easily finds among the female representatives. The morgenshtern also tried to win the right to the statuette, and then it was just quietly retired, Super writes. Apparently, he left the event to share a pleasant news with the subscribers of a personal Instagram account, which admitted that the reward for him became a "sip of fresh air".

"The last hope of" female rap "," the candidacy of their idol was put forward to the new award.

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