Russell Brand spoke of an unsuccessful marriage with Katy Perry


Now Katy Perry is in a happy relationship with the fiance of Orlando Bloom, but long before they became a couple, she was married to actor Russell Bran, and only now he spoke about their marriage.

The singer and the British comedian divorced just a year after the wedding in 2010, when the brand filed documents to court. But, despite their short novel, Russell insists that he tried to make the relationship work.

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He confessed this during a direct broadcast of questions and answers with fans in Tiktok, when he was asked about the former wife.

"I really tried in this relationship. I only have positive feelings for her, "said Russell.

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During the gap, Katie told fans that her husband told her about divorce with the help of a text message, and after that they did not even talk. In advance later, the autobiographical film, the artist also explained that their intense schedule and her unwillingness to children led to the collapse of relationships.

By the way, they both became parents in the following novels. Russell two children from Laura's wife, and Katie - Mom's girls Daisy giving she gave birth to Orlando. Now Perry is trying to combine motherhood with creativity, but emphasizes that he will throw any job for the sake of his daughter.

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