"Photos can be on the chocolate" Alenka "": Irina Star'shenbaum conquered the fans in the Russian scarf


Young Russian actress Irina Star'shenbaum shared on his page in the social network Instagram with a new picture. The girl appeared in the form of a simple Russian beauty than impressed his fans.

Actress did not need to apply great efforts: only it is enough to choose the right accessory. Thus, 28-year-old Starshbaum chose a scarf-screamer with a pattern of flowers, which tied to a rustic manner. Natural makeup and transparent lip gloss emphasized the natural beauty of the girl, and her calm even look and a small half jelly fans admired fans. "Unreal, beautiful", "Lyalechka, like on chocolateer - the same sweet", "Alenushka is my beloved", "Beauty, True!", "You are a gorgeous girl!" - With undisguised admiration, Folloviers wrote.

As a signature to such a cute photo, the celebrity chose the words from the song of the French music team Nouvelle Vague: "I'm just a simple Russian girl, I have vodka in the blood. When I start dancing with brown bears, my soul rushes into pieces. "

Irina Star'shenbaum - the native niece of the actress Anna Starshenbaum - just begins to do his acting glory. She starred in the Russian detective "Shakal" and the film "Summer", dedicated to the formation of a career of Viktor Tsoi.

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