Lana Del Rey bought a dress for Grammy in the shopping center for only 600 dollars


From the cost of some celebrity outfits captures the spirit. But Lana Del Ray, as it turned out, does not consider it to be obligatory to appear on the Grammy in the superdoroga, outfit. During a conversation with journalists on the carpet of the Lana ceremony noted that her silver-wide dress was bought in a shopping center for almost $ 600.

Lana Del Rey bought a dress for Grammy in the shopping center for only 600 dollars 105466_1

Lana Del Rey bought a dress for Grammy in the shopping center for only 600 dollars 105466_2

At first I thought to wear another dress, but when my boyfriend and I went to a shopping center to look for a belt to him, I saw this. I really liked it. I put it right there, and it was a great village. So the question with the outfit decided literally at the last minute,

- Tel Rey.

Lana Del Rey bought a dress for Grammy in the shopping center for only 600 dollars 105466_3

Not only the dress was surprised by the public that evening Lana. At the "Grammy", she first presented to the public of his boyfriend Sean Larkin. At first, the pair appeared on the Gala concert of Clywa Davis, who passed right in front of the ceremony, and then they shone together on the carpet.

Lana Del Rey bought a dress for Grammy in the shopping center for only 600 dollars 105466_4

Lana and Sean did not hesitate to demonstrate relations in the public, they hugged and kissed the chambers. This caused delight at the fans of the singer, given the fact that she held his personal life in the secret for a long time. As for Sean, it is known that by profession he is a policeman and participated in the American Realistic Shaw about working in law enforcement.

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