Jesse Jay dedicated to Channing Tatum congratulatory post after parting


In early April, it became known that Jessie Jay and Channing Tatum again broke up. Before that, the couple parted at the end of December 2019, but in a few weeks gave relations the second chance.

They treated each other with care and risked try again. But, obviously, they realized that they were better to move on not together. This solution is mutual, they remained in friendly relations,

- I clarified the situation insider then.

Jesse Jay dedicated to Channing Tatum congratulatory post after parting 105556_1

The other day, Jesse proved that there was a warm relationship between her and its former. On April 26, Tatum turned 40 years old, and Jay left him touching congratulations at Instagram Stories.

I wish you a happy 40 birthday to this special person. You are really one. I am so grateful that you are in this world. And even more grateful for what I met you,

- He wrote Jessie and put a red heart at the end.

Jesse Jay dedicated to Channing Tatum congratulatory post after parting 105556_2

She accompanied photos of Chenning from rest to the sea.

Keep living better life!

- Jessie wished him in the next publication.

Jesse Jay dedicated to Channing Tatum congratulatory post after parting 105556_3

Obviously, Jay and Tatum remained friends. But do they decide to re-renew the relationship? So far, celebrities and their representatives are silent about it.

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