Billy Alish will perform a music number on Oscar 2020


On February 9, Billy Alish will perform at the 92nd Oscar awards ceremony, the organizers reported. The announcement noted that it would be a "special representation", but the details of the singer's speeches would become a surprise for fans.

For 18-year-old Billy Alish 2020 began with loud victories. She became the most discussed star of the recently held Prize "Grammy", where Billy won awards in five of the six categories to which it nominated: "Song of the Year", "Best New Contractor", "Record of the Year", "Album of the Year" and "The Best Vocal pop album. " Only in the nomination "The best solo pop-execution" Alish was ahead of the singer Lyszo.

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At the same time, Billy became the most young performer who received the Grammy. Before her, the most young winner Grammy considered Taylor Swift, who received one statuette at the age of 20. Senior brother of the singer, Finnos O'Connell, who helps Billy write songs, became producer of the year. Together they were charged with a ceremony for six gold gramophones.

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Earlier this month it became known that Billy and Finnos will record a song for the 25th film about James Bond "Not the time to die", the premiere of which will take place on April 9.

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