3 signs of the zodiac - the worst enemy of Women's Virgin


But it is not necessary to do something bad in relation to the devies so that they are disliked you, it is enough to be a representative of one of these signs of the zodiac.


Permanent quirks and an estimated look - this is what is unlikely to like the Aries by the Virgin. And if he notes at least the slightest attack on her side - will answer the same if with a long pressure. And the Virgin is not accustomed to confrontation, they are inborn leaders. This is where the conflict begins. The paradox is that representatives of other signs of the zodiac, the Aries seem to be quite cute and friendly, but not the Virgin. Still, two earth signs are unlikely to ever come off the path trails.

a lion

Virgo is very annoying narcissism and recklessness, which are inherent in lions from birth. Lions are also not lagging behind - they consider mars too boring and strict. This conflict of views can continue infinitely, until someone simply gets tired and does not stop communicating. And lions, and the Virgin are not accustomed to be on the second roles, these two signs have leadership qualities and a huge desire to be the center of attention.


If the virgin is possible with the previous signs of the Zodiac, the Virgin is possible to go on a direct conflict and discussion of the takeoffs and falls of each other, then it will not work with the shooters. Sagittarius will laugh and look to the seriousness of the Virgin, which will make her get angry even more. Such a closed circle. Virgin is badly getting around with fiery signs, as they consider them too frivolous and frivolous.

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