Survival test: how to behave yourself the signs of the zodiac, being on a uninhabited island


UPS ... Your plane urgently sat on a desert island. You and another 11 passengers survived. Yeah, this is the situation! What are you going to do? And how will the rest behave? Let's find out this, based on the zodiac accessories of each participant in the incident.

Aries: I am a self-proclaimed leader!

Without panic! Do not be afraid, because the Aries are next to you! He he heads a group of helpless and lost on the uninhabited island of people. This guy will immediately take the situation under its control and will accelerate to command everyone. Even if Aries has no idea how to build a slash, catch fish or get fire, he will lead any actions. Its activity may be a little annoying. But be sure that the roof will appear soon on your head, and on a homemade table - food. Just accept the fact that you will have to obey the Aries unconditionally.

Taurus: I will handle alone!

Taurus will take it to look for any ways to communicate with the Earth. Phone, smoke checker, ring lights - at least something, if only if you notice and sent help! The actions of the Taurus will be separate, and it will not pay attention to all of you. He himself will build a great bonfire, the CAM will build a raft, the word "SOS" will be laid out on the shore. Taurus - an outstanding hard worker, and in the waters there is no equal! If he understands that "the case smells a kerosene", and on this island will have to be lined with an indefinite time, then create the most comfortable and safe living conditions. Without them, he does not think its existence.

Gemini: I will sell contact with the natives!

Twins are incredibly sociable type of people and on a desert island. This person will try to find communication. Even with natives! After all, they can get information on how to hunt unknown animals, or where there is a spring with drinking water. The representative of this sign of the zodiac will not despair and nervous. It happened to him is not a problem, but an exciting adventure and a chance to experience yourself. Twins and in such conditions will try to enjoy life. When will the chance fall out to be distracted from work, bustle, problems, commitments and responsibility? They definitely need to take advantage!

Cancer: I will benefit the team!

Cancer will try to keep himself in his hands. However, as an extremely sentimental person, he will be constantly wondering: will they ever see his loved ones? All that the cancer wants is to quickly return home to the native walls. Well, while he is aware that you have to put up with harsh reality and you need to somehow survive in such difficult conditions. Cancer will take useful things and will serve everyone for the benefit. For example, he will try himself as a cook, an interesting narrator, astrologer, fisherman, hunter. The main thing for him is to bring at least some benefit to the team!

Lion: I am responsible for safety and comfort!

The lion will go crazy if he does not be able to control the situation. On the island he will pursue one goal - to take a leading position. But here he will have to stand up with the same ambitious oily. The lion will take on the mission - to respond to everyone's safety. Lion will not have any doubts about what to do in the case of a plane crash and how to get out of the island. Opinions "Tsar Islands" must listen to everything and agree with each word. The lion will actively participate in the establishment of life. As well as for the Taurus, comfortable living conditions are vital.

Survival test: how to behave yourself the signs of the zodiac, being on a uninhabited island 105760_1

Virgo: I will appear here!

The first days on the island will be for all chaos! Panic, fear, feeling of hopelessness - normal reactions that every victim will appear. But someone should keep composure?! This man will be Virgo. She will read the whole lecture that not everything is lost, analyzes the creation and try to sketch the plan of salvation. Virgo loves purity, her house is a sample of structured order. This outstanding perfection system will be uncomfortable to live in wild conditions, which is why it will become the only best master of purity! She will take it to drag and roll, build a bathroom and the inhibit soap so that everyone has clean hands.

Scales: I am a peacemaker!

Get stuck on the island of 12 different people - this is not a fun picnic at all! Inevitable disagreements, quarrels and even fights. And there is always a person who will try to calm everyone. They will be the scales! He hates conflicts, and if they happen in his environment, then the fire of war is trying to "repay". Scales - psychological ambulance. The man of this sign will spread the situation on the shelves, "pulls out" the "root" of the problem and will offer its decision. In the art of reconciliation people, scales are a professional! In addition, he knows how to grow optimism and faith in the team.

Scorpio: I am diligent! Break away!

Scorpio is very quickly aware of the situation and immediately begin to resolve it. See the scorpion heading for the plane debris? Most likely, he is trying to build a boat or temporary dwelling. Determining and resourceful, Scorpio will use all the possibilities of a uninhabited island to "squeeze" of them at least some convenience. He hates inaction, especially in extreme situations. Sit, folded up and leaning tears, is not about scorpion. He will definitely find a way out even from the most confusing and frightening story.

Sagittarius: I will act!

To get stuck on the island away from civilization is a fascinating adventure for Sagittarius! While the remaining signs of the zodiac will go crazy and tear on the head hair from despair, the Sagittarius will grab the island and its water area. At first he won't want to recognize that such a situation could have happened to him at all. After all, he is lucky! But since it happened, you need to act! Sagittarius is an active and rational sign. He will pour the leading position of the Lion and Aries and lead people behind them.

Capricorn: I / We will die!

On the uninhabited island, Capricorn will be the most depressed and dramatic. In his head, the worst event development scenarios are drawn. Capricorn does not know how to hide his fear, and his panic will settle in the soul of everyone. "Estimating" "everyone, he sorrows - other people's emotions interest him little. It will be closed, removed, indifferent and cold. By bringing yourself to the extreme, Capricorn agrees with a fan, that there are too many people on the island, and there are too few food reserves, and will offer a vote - to whom will have to be the first to get out of the game.

Aquarius: I'll take care of you!

There will be no more caring on the island than Aquarius. He will be the first to go to search for food, water and huts, because thoughts about how to help mankind pursue him all his life. Numerous Aquarius ideas may seem insane and few executable, but a couple of useful will definitely have! Thanks to them, no one will die next to the aquarily! He will find the plantation of fruit trees, will understand how to catch the mollusks and put on the living nature of the Silka.

Fish: I'll go crazy!

The representative of this sign will be for all the psychological problem. He freezes the team with his whining and hysterics. Take the tragic situation of fish is not able, it will give up at the very first minute. Everything that this person is capable is to sit under the tree and cry. Solo from fish no! It will not take part, take part in the construction of a hut or plant a garden. Fish and in the usual life does not know how to cope with problems, and such an extreme situation will at all choose it from mental equilibrium. He will not hide his depressed mood and will try to "suck" the rest. One hope for weights! Perhaps this person will turn out to be a sense of fish.

Author: Telenitskaya Julia

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