That those around you think about your zodiac sign - and that of this truth


All signs of the zodiac have already developed certain stereotypes and often they are erroneous. Let's promote them once and forever!


That those around you think about your zodiac sign - and that of this truth 105772_1

You're a fighter number one, right? You are the one who will come for decisive actions. If your girlfriend wants to cut the wheels from his resentment, then in this matter she will ask for help. But we know with you that your head is in place, and you will not get involved in dubious adventures. Yes, you have a hot-tempered character, but not so much to cheer the tire! You know the limits of permissible and keep these borders. Your intelligence will not allow you to crumble at your future because of a non-essential dispute. Maybe for a second you will have a crazy idea, but your strength is that you are able to restrain yourself.


You, Taurus, constantly called a stubborn bull. Only hear from all sides: "Tales are so stubborn and confident in their rightness that it is better not to get involved in disputes with them! This is a useless lesson! " But how are everyone wrong! You get drunk and resist only because it is too sensitive and want to protect yourself from the surrounding world. You want to be the best for your loved ones. Even if inside you are scared, externally try to keep confidently and seem strong and resistant tin soldier. Stubbornness is your protective mechanism. We know that you are patient, devoted and can admit your mistakes. Your strength is your sensitivity. She makes you the best person and the best friend.


You, twins, not the best reputation of a person with a double bottom. You often say about you: "There are two different people in it! Which one is real?! ". But we are sure that you are not crazy and you have no dissociative personality disorder. You just have an amazing ability to adapt. You easily delve into any new situation without clinging for beliefs and old habits. Regardless of whether it is necessary to be fun or serious, or both, and more, you can easily adjust to the circumstances. You are too promotable and reactive. Your power is that you quickly absorb the information and lightningly oriented "on the ground".


Cancer, we know that you are not the super-plax, how do you all perceive. Yes, you are inclined to complain about life and love to suffer. But this is not due to weakness, but from the desire to live in a comfortable environment. They are vital for you! If you don't like something, then you will always say about this close to people, connecting the whole palette of your feelings to the story. Yes, partly, this emotional verbal flow will be similar to "Plach Yaroslavna". But if you are delighted with what is happening, the wave of warmth and joy will touch everyone who you know. Having loved love, relatives and friends will take care of your former negative reactions. Your strengths are persistence and determination. Very often, people mistakenly perceive them for weakness.

a lion

Lion, you consider the king of dramatic events and the best actor from the entire zodiac family. If you won't get the attention every 3 seconds, then in panic. You are always looking for approval and admire people around you. Even unfamiliar! Yes, you love attention, but it's not a disease at all! Thus, in this way, you show your attentiveness to others and install emotional connections with them. In love and friendship, you always count on reciprocity. Your strength is selfless. You have a big heart, ready to share and kindly at any time.


Virgo, you are often called a robot. You love things to be clean and neat, and you can not tolerate dirt and noise! So people you will point out their shortcomings and are not ashamed in choosing expressions. Yes, you are the perfect perfectionism and want everyone to be so! And you are criticized! But the criticism and condemnation of others is not an evil given to you from nature. With the help of them, you show the concern for others. You want your loved ones to be the best versions of yourself. "Remembering" and motivating people, you just have good intentions and pure thoughts. You do not want to offend anyone! Your power is a limitless kindness and desire to make the world better and cleaner.


People consider you too sociable and enchanting person. Yes, you and the truth, a charming character who always tries to be in sight. For all you are open, Calzo Book. But in this behavior there is no desire just like everyone in a row. So you express your friendliness, because you hate conflicts and misunderstanding. You want to bring people joy and make them happy. Sometimes you seek indecisive than you shape others. But your power is generosity. And spiritual, and material.


When the actions of crazy former are pop up in a conversation, such as threats and a stream of dirt in social networks, then most often such "merits" are attributed to scorpions. Yes, people call you a reckless, insane and crazy man. But how are they wrong! You just too emotional man who "lives" situations on a higher sensitive threshold. And you can't do anything with you. Love - So, without a rest, hate - it means that all souls. Scorpion Power lies in passion. Even if your heart is smashed to smire, you will look again and look for your love again.


For you, the Sagittarius, the cliche of the traveler, who never happens at home and who does not need family worries. Partly, it is so.

Yes, you do not sit on the spot! But this happens only from the fact that you are constantly in search of enlightenment. Your natural curiosity and idealism encourage you to look for answers to questions that your life puts. Your strong side is a desire that everyone can enjoy freedom and independence.


Capricorn, you are considered an office plankton and hardy. But you are not so bored, as you think. Yes, you are traditional, conservative and methodical, but not boring at all! You do not sit at home in your landless trousers and do not read the business articles, as it seems to others. You have a lot of interests and hobbies! You know how you can have fun and interesting to spend time with friends. As a responsible and disciplined person, you can be an excellent leader and organizer. You are a clear performer and never forget about important dates, timing and responsibilities. Your power is organized and self-control. Ambolism does not allow you to make even small mistakes.


You were painted with an insensitive, detached and cold man. Yes, we know that you often need self-insulation. But you will wake up people not from the feeling of superiority, but from fear to be rejected. You are preparing for this in advance and therefore build a distance. Your cold is just defense. In fact, you are heartfelt, responsive and recreate man. You can see what they do not see everyone else. Friendliness is your strength of character. But not everyone may become a real friend. That is why, you build deep and long-term relationships even with a small number of people.


In the eyes of others you are a depressed and wounded artist. However, the theory that you are a loser that never takes responsibility is too exaggerated. Yes, you are a creative person with a thin soulful organization, but you are not a victim at all! Your power is your big heart. In the surrounding you see only good. You are sure that there are no perfect and perfect people. In your opinion, each of us needs help and support. And if such a moment comes, you will always respond to the call.

Posted by: Julia Telenitskaya

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