5 signs of the zodiac who do not want to have children


However, astrology in certain signs of the zodiac does not confirm great desire to become a mother or dad. This five in front of you.

Aries, you still can't decide whether you want to have children or not. In this matter you take the golden middle. You have a large list of important cases that you want to implement until the moment when you become a mom or dad. But it is impossible not to say that your heart is filled with love and get ready at any time to share it with someone special. But while you are focused on yourself and your own needs and desires.

If you still decide to start the children, then you will be good parents. You are caring, but also a bit powerful. You are strict moms and dads, and you have golden hearts. You are able to teach your children to be confident and strong personalities. Maybe it's time to implement this plan? Think about it!

In communicating with children, you have no problems. You find a common language even with hard teenagers, and with babies we take with great pleasure. You like to communicate with your friends. You have a bunch of useful information you can share with a young generation. You are a very wise sign! But you are too passionate about yourself and your life, and do not want someone to disturb your comfort.

You look more like cool or uncle than on parents. To visit, spend time with other people's offspring and remove the ravisas - this scenario suits you quite.

All you need in life is a mental balance, cleanliness and order. Yes, hardly these need are compatible with children. "Children?! Noise, gams, scattered toys and disobedience - anything, but not only! " - Similar thoughts do not rarely come to your mind. Yes, you like to be with friends and nurse with their children, but you are not quite sure if you need to become my mother or dad yourself.

You are very practical in terms of your desires and needs and too focus on yourself and your work. Children will only destroy your established world based on logic and perfectionism.

Sagittarius, you really think little about the continuation of the kind. In this you are very honest. However, as in all other aspects of adult life. Moreover, you are too reckless and unpredictable to be parents. You yourself, like adult children, to God!

You want to dispose of life without anyone interference and in every way protect the boundaries of your being. You are too selfish and steams to do only what you think. Children for you - too long-playing project that requires a lot of time and attention. And you are not ready for it.

Children sometimes scare you so much that you do not know how to establish contact with them. In addition, you are not inclined to bear responsibility that is required from parents. You do not want to share your time and hobbies, put your habits and foundations for someone else. You are alarming if your partner has a conversation about joint offspring. But this does not mean that you hate children.

You need life, complete variety and opportunities to explore what interests you. Children do not fit into this grand plan. In short, you do not plan to become parents at all.

Posted by: Julia Telenitskaya

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