3 women's signs of the zodiac who should participate in Casting in "House 2"


The stars determined three signs of the zodiac, whose girls would be able to pass the casting in "Dom-2".


3 women's signs of the zodiac who should participate in Casting in

Women who were born under the sign of the twins - personalities multifaceted and unpredictable. They are changeable like wind. You never manage to assume that these personals will throw out the next moment. The twins are perfectly held in front of the camera, behave liberated and confidently. Even if they are embarrassed or feel embarrassed - you are unlikely to notice it. They are masterfully replaced by "masks", selecting the desired situation. Gemini girls love to warm up surrounding invented intrigues and gossip, creating noise and extra interest around themselves. This is exactly what is needed by "home-2" and its ratings.


Scorpions virtuoso play the feelings of others, as if they jerk them for threads. If a man was born under this sign - it's not as scary in comparison with how professional scorpion manipulator. They like to raise conflicts and, in their most height, move aside, watching and laughing on what is happening. Girls scorpions for their kind of seductive, loving attention from the opposite sex. But not everyone is responsible - most guys they just break the hearts and after a couple of days they will not even remember their name. But scorpions are not so bad, as they seem, they just like the feeling of power over the feelings of others.


The Sagittarius would show himself on the "House-2" a little on the other side. Her goal is to become a leader and a universal friend and take the lion's stake on yourself with its positivity and collectivism. These ladies often achieve what they want. They feel the tide of strength and energy in companies, where all the attention is directed to them. Sagittarius does not create empty intrigues, but their purely positive behavior would already be intrigue for many. Who knows, perhaps the next bright star of the TV project "Dom-2" will be precisely former?

Posted by: Julia Telenitskaya

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