Tom Hanks will be awarded a special award on the Golden Globe


The two-time winner of Oscar Tom Hanks will soon add a new sign prize to his collection. On January 5, 2020, at the 77th Ceremony of the Golden Globe Prize, the famous American actor will receive the Cecil Prize B. de Mill, which is awarded for outstanding merits in the field of cinema.

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Happy Rita Wilson

The founder of this prize is the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA). The decision to award the honored reward Hanksu was informed by the president of HFPA Lorenzo Soria:

For more than three decades, Mr. Hanks captures the public with the image of deep and cheerful characters, to which we have imbued with love and admiration. But he is irresistible not only on the screen - he achieved no less significant success as a writer, producer and director. It is an honor to include Mr. Hanks to include such outstanding figures as Oprah Winfri, George Clooney, Maryl Streep, Martin Scorsese, Barbara Streisand and many others.

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Tom Hanks will be awarded a special award on the Golden Globe 105913_3

Upon receipt of the award, the actor will probably speak with a touching speech that only adds advantages in the struggle for the next "Oscar" - Hanks received an individual nomination for the role in the film "A Wonderful Day next door". In the US, the picture will be released in a wide range of November 22 of this year.

Recall that in 1994 Hanks was awarded the Oscar award for the role of a lawyer's response in the film "Philadelphia", and a year later, for the execution of the leading role in the cult epic of Robert Zeekis "Forrest Gump". In addition, on the account of the actor of the nomination for participating in the paintings "Big", "Save Private Ryan" and "Izgoy".

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