Producer "Gladiator" very regretted that he could not add rhino to the film


On June 16, Gladiator Ridley Scott was already 20 years old. Although the film became a kind of classic and was appreciated by the audience and critics, the director seems to never cease to think that the spectacle could have turned out even more large-scale, add one detail into it.

As admitted in a recent interview with ComicBook portal Producer Doug UIK, regret that he failed to add to the rhino arena, using computer graphics, still does not allow him to sleep peacefully at night. It turned out that everything was resting in money.


The PEC said that Ridley very much wanted to supplement the plot of an enraged unicorn, but his trainers were dissuaded from this crazy venture, convincing that huge animals, being on the set in the middle of the crowd of people, may not behave unexpectedly.

Then we figured the cost of computer rhino, and it was too expensive. I still regret that I could not give him Ridley,

- remembers producer.

Also, the arc added that if the "gladiator" someday receives a continuation or rebirth, the director of his rhino will certainly receive, because in two decades the technology has made an incredible jump, and therefore a team of visual effects can recreate everything that the soul, for a share of the cost which previously dictated the film industry.

In fairness it is worth noting that the "gladiator" and without rhino has become a real breakthrough for his time. None of the film by the time did not manage to capture the scale and greatness of Rome at the peak of His Glory, as Scott did.

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