Video: Tom Hiddleston is preparing for the fights of Loki and Captain America in the "Avengers"


The director of the sensational militant "Tyler Reik: Salvation Operation" Sam Hargrave, who was previously a dubler Chris Evans on the set of film films Marvel, posted on his page in Instagram archival video from the times of the premise "Avengers" (2012). In the video, Hargrave is captured along with Tom Hidllston, which in the alleged form of Loki works out the scene of a hand-to-hand combat with captain America.

Almost nine years ago, on this day, Tom Hiddleston rehearsed our epic battle for the first film "Avengers". Captain America against Loki. Tom, you just see what young and prompt we were in those days!

- Posted Hargrave under his post.

Going out into the rental, "Avengers" produced a real extension, gathering $ 1.5 billion in the global box office at a budget of $ 220 million. The film was adopted with enthusiasm as ordinary spectators and critics, to acquire the status of the reference superhero blockbuster. Hiddleston still plays Loki in the filmmaker Marvel - soon on Disney + the solo mini-series about this character should go. As for Hargray, he intends to continue the director's career, planning to remove the sequel "Tyler Reika".

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