From God Lie Loki politics: Tom Hiddleston will play in the new Netflix thriller


Tom Hiddleston returns to television, and not just in order to play Loki in the series MARVEL series, which will go to Disney +. According to the Edition Deadline, the star of the Avengers signed a contract for shooting in the Netflix political thriller "White Stork".

Hiddleston will play the policy of James Cooper, who is running into place in the UK Parliament. But the woman who is entrusted to check it out, as the official synopsis show says, "quickly reveals potentially destructive secrets buried deeply in the past James."

Of course, it is not clear what kind of secrets are we talking about, but it is already known that they will bring everything that has a character Hiddleston. As a result, he can lose his career, marriage and even influential patrons who support his election campaign.

From God Lie Loki politics: Tom Hiddleston will play in the new Netflix thriller 106000_1

Creating a script for a 10-serial thriller Netflix instructed Christopher Dunlopu, and the director's place will take Christoffer Nühcholm. By the way, the development of the "White Stork" is engaged in the Eleven film company, which created the sensational teenager series "Poland". It can also be viewed in the Stringing Service.

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The exact date of the premiere of the new series of Hiddleston is not yet called, it is clear only that it will be released in 2021, like "Loki".

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