Video: Tom Hiddleston showed a "superhero jump" on the set of the series "Loki"


Soon the Character Marvel Loki, the famous spectators on the films about the avengers, will acquire a solo teleproject. The shooting of the series has already begun, the confirmation of what has become a short video, which the executor of the title role Tom Hiddleston laid out on his official page in Instagram.

Video: Tom Hiddleston showed a

In the video you can see how Hiddleston, suspended on special elastic cables, makes a jump in the air, and then landed onto a soft trampoline. True, this trick is only preparation for shooting. This was the actor himself, accompanying his post such a signature:

Preparation takes place perfectly. #Loki.

At the moment, the plot "Loki" is almost nothing known. We just know that the actions of the series will unfold after the events shown in the Avengers: Final. We will remind, in this film, Loki's mischievous managed to hide in one of the multual axes, taking a tesseract with me. In addition, the upcoming television show will somehow elaborate with the film "Dr. Strøndj and Multivesened Madness". In connection with Loki, there is also a rumor that the audience will bring to see the female version of the capital hero.

Video: Tom Hiddleston showed a

The premiere of the series is pre-scheduled for spring 2021.

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