Directors "Avengers: Final" hinted at the emergence of Captain America in the new series about Loki


Recall, in the "Avengers: Final" during the mission of Avengers in the past viewers show how Loki disappears along with Tessrakt. Where it was he went, and what happened after, tells the coming solo series about the Marvel charming antagonist for the Disney + Stregnation Service. Well, Anthony and Joe Russo hint that in these events, Steve Rogers can take the most direct participation.

In an interview with Business Insider, the brothers noted that the catch of Loki could be a full-fledged Mission of Capo, who in the final "final" went to return the stones of infinity and hammer Torah. "Loki, disappearing with a stone of infinity, could create its own timeline. All this is very difficult, but the Cap could not correct the timeline, not finding Loki, - the director arguance. - As soon as Loki picks up a stone, he creates a new reality branch. "

The Disney + Stregnation Service will start working in November of the current 2019. In one month, the subscription will have to pay $ 6.99. The year of subscription will cost $ 69.99. Already this year, according to rumors, we are waiting for the debut of the series about the winter soldier and falcon, and the series about Loki and Wanda with Vihnom will appear in 2020.

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