The Disney Studio confirmed that Tom Hiddleston will take off in the series about Loki


During the recent presentation, the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Faigi introduced three series, which will be broadcast on the future cutting platform disney +. It was about the show about the winter soldier and falcon, about Aluu Witch and Vizhn, as well as about the most expected series, dedicated to still the main and beloved villain of the film - Loki. In Twitter Account, the studio confirmed that the actors will return to their roles, although when it happens, it's still unknown. "It will be both new stories and the continuation of the previous ones. Everything that will happen in the series will affect the future in the future, "the files said, confirming that movies and shows will be interrelated.

The Disney Studio confirmed that Tom Hiddleston will take off in the series about Loki 106011_1

The Disney Studio confirmed that Tom Hiddleston will take off in the series about Loki 106011_2

What is noteworthy, he did not mention the series dedicated to Clint Barton (he is a falconian eye), although the news that the character will receive his mini-show appeared in this Wednesday. According to the producer, falcon and winter soldiers will appear on the screens, and the remaining characters will follow them a little later. "These shows will be at the same level of quality, what spectators are waiting for MARVEL film films," the files promised.

The Disney Studio confirmed that Tom Hiddleston will take off in the series about Loki 106011_3

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