3 reasons why "Avengers: the war of infinity" you will disappoint you (spoilers)

First, a completely unresolved conflict after the "confrontation".

Steve and Tony never will not meet again in the whole picture, do not respond, the friendship will not restore. The only one who at least somehow remembers that Avengers were friends and loyal companions, Bruce Banner, who, as we remember, all the "confrontation" served on another planet. Again, in "Ragnarek", the hero Mark Ruffalo dramatically reports that if he turns into a Hulk again, then it may not be back. And what are you shown in the first 10 minutes "war of infinity"? Cheerful Hulk, who is safely becoming Bruce again.

3 reasons why

Why, it is asked, generally needed "Ragnaret", if everything that did Tor, is destroyed in the first second of the "war of infinity"? He saved the Asgardians for two hours, only for Tanos killed them in the first minute "WB". How, why, why it does not matter. Everybody died.

3 reasons why

Secondly, some plot moves look completely ridiculous.

Everything is impossible to list them, but, for example: Natasha, Steve and Falcon take on the fly of the Tanos. They have one faithful and good chance to get rid of those who bear the right death. What are they doing? The widow reports that they could kill them now, but for some reason they do not do it, and they calmly disappear under the perplexity of the avengers. Of course, it is clear that without such moments and the film would not have been stupid to it. But for a 19th, you can make a little more logical picture in some places.

3 reasons why

In the film there is a catastrophic winter soldier, widow, Hulk, Falcon. And yes, it is a weighty reason to upset, because other characters in the film show an order of magnitude more. Because of such a huge caste, it was simply not possible to pay enough time, so in the end we look at the endless kaleidoscope of pictures, locations and different interactions of the heroes with each other. The stories of each of each we were told earlier, it does not have to complain about, but such an abundance of stars and the inability to put them in a timekeeping.

Thirdly, we promised drama.

Such a drama that thrown even the coldest heart. But you know what? The very heart melted when I died Yondu in the second "guards," and here it did not even plug in the nose. They killed the characters so indifferent, quickly and cold that it was almost no emotion. Moreover, we know perfectly well that Spider, Panther, Strange, Tanks, Star Lord will still appear in the following Marvel paintings, which means that they died not finally. Knowing it, sincerely worried about them does not work, although the scene with the spruce and the farewell with Vihnom looks a little touching.

3 reasons why

Another weighty minus "War of Infinity" is an epic scene of a fight in Vacan. In the final installation of the film, the scene was carved as heroes close-up run on the enemy (by the way, together with the Hulk, who was not) - and this is the biggest disappointment, because the whole scene looks boring. Well, run, well, a lot of them, the vaccines screaming Aki Primates. Where is the shiver in the knees from the scope and waiting for the bloody battle? In the "confrontation" they managed to fame, here it clearly went something wrong. Perhaps the case is again in a large number of people. By the end of the battle, we will definitely show the scene in the style of Girl Power, where now without them? But against the background of Almighty Vanda (who could put the Tanos) Natasha and other ladies of the world Marvel look at something completely ridiculous.

3 reasons why

Rousseau brothers promised that the "war of infinity" and "4 Avengers" will be two independent films. "No, no," the war of infinity will not be the first part of a broken into two films, "they said. But what did we get on the fact? Concluded to the next "Avengers", where the whole story will unfold on complete power. Like the first part of the "gifts of death" in the GP, the "war of infinity" is more chatted than dynamic, and here the viewer will no longer be cheating - the film is really only a seed for a subsequent film, which, I want to believe, will be truly epic. You can also take it to him simply as a small collection with your favorite heroes that were combined into a large project, forgetting to give them a clear and powerful plot.

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