"This is an incredible shit": How Hollywood actors scold their own films

George Clooney: "It seems we almost threatened the franchise"

Film: "Batman and Robin" (1997)

Cash colors: 238.2 million dollars

Rating Rotten Tomatoes: 11%

"My phone rang, and the head of Warner Bros said:" Come to my office, you will play Batman in the new film, "and I am such" yeah! ". I called my friends: I screamed from happiness, they screamed from happiness, and no one could believe it!

I just thought: once and the last film was successful, then I will remove in a successful franchise. It seems we almost threatened this franchise. "

Arnold Schwarzenegger: "The worst movie in which I ever shot"

Film: "Red Sonya" (1985)

Cash colors: 6.9 million dollars

Rating Rotten Tomatoes: 15%

"The worst movie in which I ever shot. Now that my children go beyond the permitted, I send them to my room and make the "Red Sonya" to revise 10 times. So I have no special problems with them. "

Holly Berry: "I was at the peak itself, and now at the bottom"

Film: "Woman Cat" (2004)

Cash colors: 82 million dollars

Rating Rotten Tomatoes: 9%

"I want to thank the Warner Bros for choosing me by the heroine of this shit, a member movie. This is just what I needed my career, I was at the peak itself, and now at the bottom.

It came out what came out, but be with us a chance to remake, then I'm sure we would do better. We would create a better story and the villain better. All this in the past. I survived it. But I would try again, I liked to be a woman-cat. "

Alec Ginnes: "Dialogues in Star Wars are very ... Deploy"

Film: "Star Wars: New Hope" (1977)

Cash colors: 775 million dollars

RT rating: 94%

"Without taking into account the fees received, I am very sorry that I joined this film. I liked the films, but it was difficult to show acting skills here, and dialogues - very deplorable - constantly changed, but almost did not improve. He felt old and cut off from young people. "

Bob Hoskins: "Scratch nightmare. Chucky idiots. "

Film: "Superbray Mario" (1993)

Cash colors: 20.9 million dollars

RT Rating: 16%

[He was asked about the worst job in his entire life, about the biggest disappointment and whatever he changed in his career]: "Superbray Mario"

It was damn, a nightmare. Even the director's agent told them to be sealed from the site. Scratch nightmare. Chucky idiots. "

Josh Brolin: "Be really rich, I would redo this movie. Seriously".

Film: "John Hex" (2010)

Cash colors: 10 million dollars

RT Rating: 12%

"I believe that the film deserved all those attacks for reasons, about which critics will never recognize. We were almost ready to stop shooting when this guy appeared [Director Jimmy Hayward]. He was an interesting young guy, full of energy and anxious on John Hexs.

I thought it was either a very stupid solution, or just ingenious. It turned out, very stupid ... If I really rich, I would have relocated this movie again, John Hex, it deserves. Seriously".

Jamie Lee Curtis: "Incredible Trash"

Film: "Virus" (1999)

Cash taxes: 30.6 million dollars

RT Rating: 9%

"This film is a piece of shit, an incredible trash from the beginning to the end.

There was a scene, where I run away from alien and seriously hiding under the stairs. I survey a couple of spans and dive under the staircase, I sit and tremble there, and this big fig fighter goes down on the stairs, and I hide on it! This is something can turn the steel door, and I hide under the stairs!

It seems that it was the only time when I knew that everything was very bad, and could not do anything with it. "

Schaya Labaf: "Just a handful of robots, beating each other"

Film: "Transformers: False Revenge" (2009)

Cash colors: 836.3 million dollars

RT rating: 19%

"When I saw the second film, I was not impressed with the work done. There were truly insane Cascader tricks, but the shower of the film left ... All because we tried to climb above.

Michael Bay took such a bar that the film became too large. I think when you lose the essence of the film, then we lose some of the relationship in the film. Without these relationships, the film does not matter. Just a handful of robots that beat each other. "

Shaya Labafe: "We scored on the legacy"

Film: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of a Crystal Skull" (2008)

Cash colors: 786.6 million dollars

RT rating: 78%

"There was a feeling that we were completely scored on the legacy that people loved and cherished. Harrison Ford was also not satisfied.

He felt discarded with bills. As if there were no food enough for reflection. It was the feeling that we tried to shove the pacifier to the audience who did not want it. "

Sylvester Stallone: ​​"Stay! Or my mom will shoot - worse than all "

Film: "Stop! Or my mom will shoot "(1992)

Cash colors: 45 million dollars

RT Rating: 4%

"I starred in several truly disgusting films. "Stove! Or my mom will shoot "- worse than all. If you want to make someone confess the murder, just make it see this movie. They conflict in all, in all, anywhere, after 15 minutes of viewing. "

James Franco: "This film is sucks"

Film: "Brave Pepper"

Cash colors: 24 million

RT rating: 27%

"Brave pepper? This film is sucks. With this and argue meaningless. "

Danny Dyer: "I starred in more than 40 films. Of these, a quarter is shit. "

Film: -

Cash colors: -

RT rating: -

"I starred in more than 40 films. I would say that of them a quarter - shit, another quarter of good, and there is a half of the past half, what to tell the world. "

Charlize Theron: "It was a bad, terrible, disgusting picture"

Film: "Gambling" (2000)

Cash colors: 32 million dollars

RT rating: 25%

"It was a bad, terrible, disgusting picture. But but I had a chance to work with John Frankenheimer, and I was honest in front of myself - I starred there for him. "

Christopher Plammer: "It was so terrible, tearfully and sweet"

Film: "Sounds of Music" (1965)

Cash colors: 282.2 million dollars

RT Rating: 85%

"It was so terrible, tearfully and sweet. It was necessary to pretty try to dilute all this with a sickness of humor. "

Megan Fox: "Michael Bay wants to be Hitler on his set"

Film: "Transformers: False Revenge" (2009)

Cash colors: 836.3 million dollars

RT rating: 19%

"In the transformer franchise, too many special effects and not enough opportunities to show their acting qualities.

Michael Bay wants to be Hitler on the set, well, he managed. It is nightmarly to work with him, but it is worthwhile to take it from the shooting when it turns off the "director mode", and I even like it, because it is such hopelessly socially awkward. He has no communication skills. It is so funny to watch.

In real life, he is so wound and vulnerable, and on the set turns into a tyrant. Shay and I almost died until the transformers were filmed. He makes it make such insane things that insurance will never cover. "

Jason Bateman: "The second was just garbage"

Film: "Understanding bosses 2"

Cash colors: 106.6 million dollars

RT rating: 21%

"The first was funny, the first collected money. The second was just a garbage, as the cash charges show. Who knows, it was essentially or because of the release date, but we did not earn money. "

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