Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse "Mulan" disney


Liu Ifei (Crystal Liu) - Mulan

Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse

Casting actresses on the main role in the "Mulan" remotement was not an easy task - to all please, Disney was necessary to take an actress with Asian roots. As a result, the role of Mulan got Liu Jahei - young, but already well-known (at least in his homeland) Chinese actress.

Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse

It could be seen in such films as the "Forbidden Kingdom" and "IP Man 3D", and in the latter Liu starred with Donnie Jen, another remake of Mulana.

Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse

Donnie Yen - Warrinder Tang

It would seem, quite recently we admired Jen in a blockbuster "Izgoy-One: Star Wars. Stories "- and to" Mulan "Donnie is still under a dozen different films. In the Disney Ribe, Jenu got the role of the Tanga military man holder, which will be a Mulan mentor.

Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse

If you for some reason have not yet become familiar with the first spin-off "Star Wars", then Donnie Jena can also be seen in the "IP Man" series, the film "Tsar Monkeys: the beginning of the legend" and fresh "three ices: world domination "with wine diesel.

And Donnie Jen starred with Jet Lee, who will also play a "Mulan" one of the key roles, in the film "Hero":

Jet Li - Emperor China

It is by order of the emperor that mobilization begins, in which one man is called from each family to war - it is because of this, Mulan gives himself for a man that her father did not send to war.

Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse

In the remake, it seems, the emperor is very cold

In the original cartoon, the emperor had a fairly important role - in the end he was captured by Huns, and Mulan, saving the emperor, his palace and, by and large, all China, deserves respect for the whole nation. It is not known whether Gunns play at least a important role in the remake, because now we have ...

Gun Lee - Evil Witch

Jet Lee, Donnie Yen and Liu Jafe: Meet the heroes of the game remorse

It seems that Shana Yu, who was the leader of the Huns in the original cartoon, in the remorse will not be left at the case - the main antagonist is officially appointed heroine Hung Lee, a kind of powerful and evil witch. Whether we all know well - she starred in such films as "Memoirs Geisha", "Police Miami: Department of Malls", "Hannibal: Climbing" and "Chinese Casket".

Suzanne (Ksana) Tang - Sister Mulan

In the original cartoon, Mulan had no sister, so it is a completely new character. Tang - Actress from New Zealand with Chinese-Vietnamese roots, shot in the Australian TV series The Letdown and Dead Lucky.

Video: Suzanne in the New Zealand TV series Filthy Rich:

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