From the scandalidist with a bad character to the icon of fighting cancer: the evolution of Shannene Doherty


Even during the shootings of the series "Beverly Hills 90210", which made it a real star, Shannen constantly satisfied the scenes of the film crew, and her relationship with Jenny Garth, who played her best girlfriend, was, to put it mildly, stretched. "There were moments when we were ready to scatter each other," Garth recognized. However, after many years, the brand and Kelly were truly made friends and became close to each other.

In the life of young doherty there were other relationships that can be called unsuccessful. For example, two marriages that ended with a catastrophe. But, as Shannen believes now, this experience only led her to true love - photographer Kurt Isvarins, whom she swore to love all her life and go through with him through all the trials.

Tests really outlined serious. In 2015, actresses were diagnosed with cancer, and only a year ago Shennen managed to achieve remission. "Oddly enough, but Cancer created something amazing with my life," Daeterty admits. - This test allowed me to know better. I realized that I was a very vulnerable person who had previously hid it under masks. "

It all started in 1990, when Doherty received a role in Beverly Hills - she was one of the first approved actresses of the show. The second role was received by her "screen brother" Jason attracted, who at first was just fascinated by his colleague.

"She really was deeply noted on everything, ¬ remembers attracted. - It was very cool, until it stopped to be ... "

Schonnen's partners in their interviews have repeatedly admitted that Doherty was the main scandalist of the project, swore with everyone, and then with a huge scandal, left Beverly -hillz. "I like that I am honest. I'm not going to pretend that someone likes me and depict friendship with them when it is not so, "Shannen said. There were rumors that Doherty was fired from the show only because of the call of Tori Spelling, which complained to Father (Aaron Spelling) on ​​a smoking and aggressive actress.

After "Beverly Hills" Shannen terminated the engagement with the Real Estate Manager Chris Fufas, was sued with his landlord, who claimed that the actress did not pay more than $ 11,000, managed to quarrel with the other former fiance, who assured that Doherty threatened him a violet gun And in the end in 1993 he married a 19-year-old actor Ashley Hamilton. Shannen, remembering those years, admits that it was indeed a rebellion, but it is proud that at least never did sex video.

In the late 90s, she managed to reconcile with Aaron Spelling, and in 2000, Doherty had a new chance of world glory - the series "Enchanted", however, and there she managed to vouch with one of the actresses. All participants in the film crew and even fans, and as a result of their stroke, the heroine doherty, Prue, had to kill the scenarios at the end of the third season to be killed at the end of the third season.

#Charmed #Season1 #PiperHalliwell #PrueHalliwell #PhoebeHalliwell #HollyMarieCombs #ShannenDoherty #AlyssaMilano

Публикация от Alyssa (@alyssa_witch_charmed)

In 2001, Doherty is married for the second time - for the film producer Rica Salomon (we know it in touch with Paris Hilton and the 2003 scandalous video). The marriage lasted only 9 months and was canceled. "I was humiliated. This marriage ended disgustingly and shameful, "Shennen said. - I had a few unsuccessful relationships and two failed marriages. But for some reason, I myself chose these men. Now I understand that I wondered only myself. " After the second marriage and dismissal from the "enchanted" Doherty, I decided to take a break in the acting career.

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The audience again saw her in 2008, when actress was offered a role in the continuation of the cult "Beverly Hills". Shannen returned to the role of Brands Walsh, and she was then a friend of Jenny Garth then. "I first really did not want to play the brand again. I was afraid, because I did not want people to hate me again, "Shannen said. But in the end, she realized that people were ready to support her, and not to kick rising. Doherty agreed to play a brand and recalls the experience with a smile.

After that success, she shot an independent film, an animated Internet series and a few reality shows, and in 2010 it even took part in the "dance with the stars." Shannen told that she was very scary to participate in this project, but she did it for his father, whose shortly before the show did the attack happened. "That's why I will run on full to restore his speech and motility, and at the same time to overcome your fear of the audience," the actress told. Unfortunately, soon after that, her father died.

Today March 25 is my dads birthday. I wish he was still here. I miss his hugs. I miss his twinkling eyes. I miss his guidance and his unwavering support. I miss his intellect and the way we spoke with each other about every subject. I miss his wicked sense of humor. I miss his love. And even though I lost him far too early, I’m grateful that he was my dad. Grateful for his influence that guides me still. For the strength he instilled in me. I’m grateful that I got hugs from him. I’m grateful for every time he called me Sugerplum. I’m just grateful for him. His love was of the greatest kind and mine for him. I miss him. I love him and he’s still here, in my heart and in every fiber of me. I love you dad.

Публикация от ShannenDoherty (@theshando)

The third marriage actresses were concluded in 2011, and since then Shennen and Kurt Ivvarinko are inseparable and really support each other in everything. In 2014, Shannen united with his girlfriend and a colleague on the "enchanted" Holly Mary Combs for the shooting of the reality show "OFF THE MAP WITH SHANNEN & HOLLY".

Shannen and Kurt:

My friend @sarahmgellar softly suggested a challenge to @kurtiswarienko and myself to do the 7 day #loveyourspousechallenge and we accepted! She was telling me about going thru old photos and the memories and emotions they evoke. This morning, I felt that and I'm thankful Sarah challenged us. Our wedding was exceptional and not for the big event it was. It was exceptional because we committed for better or worse, in sickness or in health to love and cherish one another. Those vows have never meant more than they do now. Kurt has stood by my side thru sickness and makes me feel more loved now than ever. I would walk any path with this man. Take any bullet for him and slay every dragon to protect him. He is my soul mate. My other half. I am blessed.

Публикация от ShannenDoherty (@theshando)

I know you can't tell from this picture, but we just bought new tennis rackets #yonex #myfavoritekindofsaturday @kurtiswarienko

Публикация от ShannenDoherty (@theshando)

And in 2015, the actress was waiting for a terrible blow - news about breast cancer. She had to go through several crocses of himotherapy, and the disease did not retreat for a long time, and at times he had even progressed. In his interview, Doherty said that he was ready for death and does not believe in miracles. However, it was the miracle and modern medicine that the actress from a difficult state was able to pull out an actress. She really supported many of them in Instagram and became a real icon of the fight against oncology.

Many girls who are taking treatment from breast cancer are recognized that Schonnen is their example and inspires to live. Some time ago, remission came in her struggle with oncology, and Shannon herself received a reward for courage from an American oncological society in Los Angeles.

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