"You will cry": Leia Seide described the film "Not the time to die"


The story of James Bond is considered to be one of the successful franchises in the history of the movie, because the adventures of the MI6 agent invariably lead fans delight. True, the anniversary film called "not time to die", in addition to the expectedly exciting plot, will give the audience and sink the reason, as it will be the last time when the role of Bond will play Daniel Craig.

Moreover, Leah Seidu (Madelena Swann), which is familiar with the content of the tape, in a recent interview admitted that the plot touched it to tears.

In this "Bond" a lot of emotions. It is very touching. I can argue, you will cry. When I watched him, I myself cried, that strange, because I knew how it would end,

- Shared actress.

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This comment will certainly cause interest in the long-standing fans of "bondians", which, with impatience, expected the output "not time to die." Especially acute wait was due to the fact that the production of the film was associated with constant delays, but it seems that the tape is worth it.

The time that Daniel Craig conducted as an agent 007, revealed great changes in the franchise, including some tendency to "seriality". If historically films about Bond were a series of anthologies, then each film with Craig was in the lead role was associated with the previous one. Its actions are always based on past adventures, and newly returned characters and intersecting storylines help all blockbusters to unite.

The premiere of "no time to die" was moved due to the outbreak of coronavirus, and according to the new data, the film should be released in the cinemas on November 19.

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