Back in the 90s: Fan "Captain Marvel" recorded a film on VHS cassette


Marvel very seriously refers to the film "Captain Marvel", as a historical project. Returning fans of the film marvel in the mid-90s, the team carefully recreated all the details of that era. As an advertising intake, all fans were promised the release of a film on VHS video cassettes. But about a year passed, and such cassettes still did not appear on sale. One of the fans from the REDDIT website itself created such a cassette.

It includes a case with the inscription "Blockbuster Captain Marvel", and on the cassette itself the label with the inscription "Do not forget to rewind" is glued.

Back in the 90s: Fan

Designer "Captain Marvel" Andy Nikolson previously told, with what problems had to face in attempts to fulfill the promise.

Of course, you can find VHS-cassettes, they are inexpensive, as no one wants to contact them due to the fact that they have a low permission. So the problem is not in the money. But we wanted to achieve maximum accuracy, so we needed a certain year cassette. We monitored eBay, and sometimes we managed to buy a box cassette immediately. It is easy, but to collect enough cassettes, you need a lot of time. This is not like in the library when you can come at any time and take the right book. In addition, except the cassettes are needed and boxes for them in the style of blockbusters so that you can set the goods in the store.

At the moment, "Captain Marvel" is available in the Captain Service Disney +.

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