Finn Wolford assured that "Ghostbusters: Heirs" will delight the older generation


Many fans of "Ghost Hunters" with Otska perceived the news of the new film, which continues the legendary dilogy of the eighties. Moreover, the deafening failure attempts to restart franchise in 2016. Many have expressed the opinion that the new film will be variation on "very strange affairs", especially since the actor from the series Finn Wolford received one of the main roles in the film. In an interview with the NME portal, the actor tried to dispel this prejudice:

Finn Wolford assured that

When I was small, my parents were big fans of original films, so I grew up in an atmosphere of admiration with them. Bill Murray, Dan Eykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Rick Morenis - all these names mean a lot in our house. And I am flattering to become part of their heritage.

Old fans will be delighted, seeing which approach we found to continue the series. At the same time, new viewers will see that this is a film primarily about family and relationships of loved ones.

And this film is unrealistic cheerful. I can not wait when people see it.

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Earlier, the director of "Hunters for the leadership: heirs" Jason Raitman called the film with a love letter to the fans of the original Dilogy. He also reported that the film combines elements of comedy and horror.

According to the plot of the film, a single mother with children moves to a farm, received inheritance from his father. There, the family finds the machine ESTO-1 and equipment of ghost hunters.

The premiere of the film "Ghost Hunters: Heirs" is scheduled for July 2020.

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