New shots "Wonder Women: 1984" hint at the union of villains


SCREEN RANT Edition shared with readers of frames from the film "Miracle Woman: 1984". Among the images presented, the most intriguing will look like a scene with the participation of Barbara Ann Minerva / Chepada (Kristen Wig) and Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal).

New shots

In the comics DC Maxwell Lord first was a positive hero, a businessman who considered that his father killed Lex Lyutors. Therefore, Lord helped recreate the justice league. But due to his inherent arrogance over time, Lord began hating superheroes, considering them ineffective and arrogant, and began to take efforts to destroy them all.

Barbara Ann Minerva also inherited a huge state from the ancestors, because of what Maxwell Lord is hanged on other people. But her passion is archeology, in one of the expeditions she meets the priests of the African tribe, which holds the rite, holding the Barbaru of the Cheetah. Because of the painful prude, many years of Cheetah dreams of destroying a wonderful woman, thus becoming the main enemy.

If these heroes are united in the new film, the wonderful woman is waiting for difficult tests.

The director of the film is Patty Jenkins, who has removed the previous film about a wonderful woman. The film premiere is scheduled for June of this year. Previously, the information that was because of the coronavirus pandemic company Warner Bros. Cancel the film display in cinemas and immediately release it for online impressions, was promptly refuted by the studio representatives.

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