Star "Man-Spider" Tom Holland infected with coronavirus?


The notorious coronavirus continues its march on the planet, forcing people to sit at home in self-insulation. Among the stars of the movie the disease has already been discovered at Tom Hanks, Idris Elba, Rachel Matthews, Christopher Khivev, Indira of Warma and Olga Kurilenko. Perhaps this list will now be replenished and Tom Holland, known for the role of a person-spider in a filmmoven Marvel. The other day, a 23-year-old actor conducted an online broadcast in Instagram, in the course of which he complained about poor well-being and cough.


In order not to risk, Holland decided to isolate from the outside world, but at the same time an actor doubts that he infected precisely Coronavirus. With his subscribers in Instagram Holland communicated, having wrapped in warm clothes with a hood and putting a respiratory mask.

Today I was completely painful. I do not think that I have coronavirus, but I accept additional precautions. I decided to selfie. Today is the first day when the disease made itself felt. Yesterday I felt normally, but this morning I woke up in a terrible condition. I have a cough…

- told Holland. Let's hope that the actor really has a common cold.

In connection with the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Cinema Industry, as well as many other spheres, went for a forced break. The shooting process of "Man-Spider-3" led by Holland should start this summer, but it is still unclear whether these plans will be able to incarnate. At the moment, the premiere of the picture is scheduled for July 15, 2021.

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