In "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "shot the granddaughter of the screen Obi-Vana Kenobi


Release paintings "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise "on digital platforms and in the format of a home video contains a bonus in the form of a documentary" Heritage Skywalker ", in which the audience will be able to look behind the scenes of the ninth episode of the film franchise. In addition, some interesting "Easter eggs", hidden in Skywalker, are revealed in these additional materials. Sunrise". For example, it turned out that Sally Guinness appears in the film - no one else like the granddaughter of Alec Guinness, who played Obi-Vana Kenobi in the original filmmaker "Star Wars".


At the beginning of the film there is a scene in which the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren meets with a group of officers of the first order - just one of these officers and played Sally Guinness. It is curious that the deceased Alec Guinness is also set in the credits to Skywalle. Sunrise ", so it turns out that from a technical point of view, he and Sally appeared in one film. Also, a photo appeared on the network, on which Sally is captured along with the director Jey Jeme Abrams.


Recall that at the moment Disney and Lucasfilm work on the creation of the solo series about Obi-Van's adventures. As in the trilogy-bed, Yuen McGregor will be fulfilled in this TV show. In the process of preproduction, some problems arose, but it seems that now all this remains behind. It is assumed that the shooting of the series starts at the beginning of 2021.

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