Andy Serkis with a disassembled snowman: the director of the "Last Jedies" shared photos from the filming


Director and Writer Ryan Johnson on his page in Instagram shared a portion of exclusive photos from the film "Star Wars: Last Jedies". Of course, the "nail" of these pictures was Andy Serkis - in one of the photos he sits next to the Snown disassembled and shouts into heaven. Also in the pictures appear Cary Fisher, Oscar Isax, and another man with a vacuum cleaner on the set.

Andy Serkis with a disassembled snowman: the director of the

Andy Serkis with a disassembled snowman: the director of the

Andy Serkis with a disassembled snowman: the director of the

Despite the fact that immediately after his premiere "Recent Jedies" were not quite definitely taken, over time it became clear that in this picture Johnson managed to give the fans of "Star Wars" such an adventure that they did not know before. Johnson explained his unusual approach to the "last Jedyam":

I think at that moment when you start thinking about the observance of the frameworks installed in the original films, you think the creators of the first "star wars" thought on the contrary. The authors of the original always sought to move forward and break through the established boundaries. To do this, it was necessary to place the characters in new, emotionally honest and unexpected circumstances. It is in this that the greatness of films from the past. That is why they are alive. They would not have worked if the creators were still restrained.

Recall that "Star Wars: the last Jedi" became the eighth episode in the framework of Sakaiokara Sagaockers. The film was released in 2017, collecting $ 1.332 billion in the global box at $ 317 million budget.

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