Insider assures that the "black widow" will not affect the future of the film marvel


As expected, due to the coronavirus Marvel Studios and Disney, still postponed the release of the "black widow", which was scheduled for May 1. Immediately there were speculations that this shift may affect the near future of the entire filmsened Marvel, since all projects within this world are interconnected. However, the authoritative edition of Variety with reference to an unnamed insider claims that the release date of the "black widow" will not affect the schedule of the release of other films and TV series Marvel Studios.

As it became known from the person approximate to Marvel Studios, the shift of the "black widow" will not have any influence on the schedule inside the film marvel. It was unclear whether the "black widow" will be released until August and whether this film has a value in the context of other projects of the fourth phase,

- writes Variety.

Chronologically, the action of "black widow" will unfold between the events shown in the films "First Avenger: confrontation" and "Avengers: the war of infinity." In this film, such characters like Elena Belov (Florence Pew) and Red Guard (David Harbor) will appear on the screen.

Insider assures that the

Insider assures that the

In addition, the debut in the kinned Marvel of the Antigerian group of thumbnails is not excluded. There are rumors that this group will appear in the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" - in this case it becomes clear why Marvel Studios did not immediately decide to postpone the release of the "black widow". But if the insiders of Variety are right, then these factors do not have a fundamental importance - at least in relation to the "black widow".

Recall that the premiere of "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" is scheduled for August 2020. As for the "black widow", it is still unknown when this film will get to the audience.

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