Win Diesel told how "Fast and Furious 10" will help to keep the promise to the floor of the Walker


Earlier, the star and producer of "Fursazha" wines Diesel stated that the release of the tenth of the "high-speed" franchise would be a dream for him. Introducing your new film "Blohenshot", Diesel once again noted that the creation of "Fasting 10" is a principal purpose for him that has a powerful personal attack for him. According to the actor, the anniversary film would be the subject of great pride for the floor of Walker.

Win Diesel told how

In an interview with USA Today, Diesel explained:

The floor has always been very pleased with the fact that we continue this saga. He was always excited and proud that his brother thinks about future films long before the studios - even before someone learns about the release of the next film, which in the future all new and new parts should follow. He liked that this story continues. He was very proud of it. I remember his smile to the ears when he said: "What?! It's impossible!" But later, in the same evening we had a conversation, and I promised him that we would get to this mark [Ten films]. For someone else, it may not matter, but personally for me this is a promise that I gave my brother. I hope that I will manage to keep your word.

The death of Paul Walker has become a big loss for both the wine of the diesel engine and for everyone who is involved in the "Fasting". This is a series of films, headed by such values ​​as a family and friendship, so the memory of Walker accompanies every new film within the framework of the franchise. Recently, UNIVERSAL studio has been forced to shift the release of "Fasting 9" for April 2021, while the edition of the tenth part is pre-scheduled for 2022.

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