From the Bible to "Above the Absorby in rye": what books read the characters of films


About three years ago, an interesting account called appeared in Instagram, in which frames from different films are laid out, whose characters read books. The author of this account is called Galina - so she decided to combine his love for cinema and literature. Galina claims that the idea of ​​creating has arisen from her when watching the films of Ingmar Bergman, Eric Romer, Francois Treiffo and Woody Allen, as these authors loved books in the frame of their paintings.

Gradually, began to gain popularity - at the moment more than 17 thousand people are signed this page. Many users apply ideas for new posts, sharing suitable screenshots from watchdogs. So, a frame from the "radiance" with Wendy Torrance (Shelly Duvilla), which reads "Above the Great in Rya" Jerome David Sallinger, was posted on the initiative of subscribers.

As for the tastes of Galina itself, it prefers to fill screenshots from classic films. Among her favorite posts - a frame from the film Bernardo Bertolucci "Partner", in which the protagonist in the execution of Pierre Clemente builds a whole book fortress.

From the Bible to

At the same time, modern cinema appears in the account - for example, "disappeared", "John Piq" or even "Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness."

From the Bible to

From the Bible to

From the Bible to

Also on there are footage from television serials, including "secret materials", "Blake Bookstore", "Friends", "Dryan" and many others.

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