Fitting movies "Mulan", "Quiet Place 2" and "New Mutants" postponed indefinitely


Coronavirus continues to be the main newsmaker in the film industry. The list of films affected by him in the last day was noticeably replenished.

John Krasinsky in his Twitter reported that the premiere of "quiet place 2" was transferred to an unknown date. Earlier, the premiere was scheduled for March. The new date will be chosen based on the news about the spread of the pandemic.

The Disney Studio decided to postpone the Mulander's premiere, which was also planned for March of this year. It was assumed that the Chinese spectators will bring a significant part of the rental of rental, once in the film talks about the Chinese heroine. But in the country in the framework of the fight against the spread of the virus, cinemas are closed. The budget of the picture is about 200 million dollars, Disney is not ready to risk and jeopardize fees from rolled products.

In addition, announced the transfer of two more Disney projects, the premieres of which were to take place in April. These are "deer horns" and "new mutants". The last project is postponed for the fourth time. Initially, the prime minister was planned in April 2018, but the date was constantly transferred due to difficulties with production. And when with these difficulties managed to cope, new difficulties appeared due to coronavirus.

Fitting movies

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