Writer "Star Wars" replied why the Jedi do not give names to light swords


In the "Star Wars" universe, light swords play an important role. However, no one assigns them names. And it is quite unusual. In the Middle Ages, the tradition of giving their own names to swords was widespread both in the West and in the East, and the Jedies are not perceived any other than knights.


One of the fans decided to ask Matt Martin, a member of the scenario team Lucasfilm, why only a dark sword has its own name. Martin connected this phenomenon with the Jedi Code. He wrote two posts on Twitter:

I would associate the lack of names with the desire to avoid affection. Swords are only tools. It makes sense to read them and call them.

A very rare merchant will call his tools. They know that even the best of them wears and break over time. The name of the creator of the sword is much more important.

Note that Matt Martin quickly quickly deleted his answers. But they were saved and laid on Reddit. More interesting than the names of swords, the answer is the fact that for the Jedi scripts are the analogues of merchants. And not the knights, as the audience think about Jedii.


The only light sword, which is an exception and received his own name - a dark sword, which the audience will see in the autumn in the second season "Mandalortz". According to Giancarlo Esposito, who played Muffa Gideon, a dark sword has a lot of work in the new season.

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