Charlie Tire accused that he raped a 13-year-old actor 34 years ago


On March 9, the premiere of the documentary film "My True: Rape of two Corey" took place in Los Angeles. Movie Actor Corey Feldman in the painting said that during the filming of the film "Lukas" of 1986, 19-year-old Charlie Shin raped his partner in the film 13-year measles of Ham. Feldman in the film led the statements of several people who are ready to confirm this version. He himself came to the main witness:

Do not think that he spoke about this casual. That happened to me - and that's it. He told me in the details that happened to him. He said: Charlie hit me on the set, smeared with confectionery fat and raped, any passing by could see it.

The former wife of Corey Feldman Susie Plag is also ready to confirm this version:

He told me that he was raped on the filming of "Lucas" when he was still a child. He said that it was a colleague on the shooting that it was Charlie Sheen.

Charlie Tire accused that he raped a 13-year-old actor 34 years ago 106367_1

Charlie Tire accused that he raped a 13-year-old actor 34 years ago 106367_2

Charlie Shin about the film Feldman said:

These patients, perverted and strange accusations of my address have never been put forward before.

He advised everyone interested in establishing truth, look at more carefully to the creator of the film, and also listen to the words of Mother Cory Ham.

Corey Heim himself, who died in 2010, can no longer tell you what happened to him. The mother of the actor Judy Heim said that her son was really sexually violent. But the culprit is the actor Dominic Wrshia, also the deceased. Judy added:

If my son heard all these supposedly of his statements, he would have rushed.

Earlier, Charlie Tire has already refuted the accusations of rape of minors.

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