Media: Ryan Reynolds want to return to the film DC (but not as a green lantern)


Now Ryan Reynolds is one of the most sought-after Hollywood actors. According to We Got This Covered, the Studio Bros is again interested in the actor's services, which wishes to offer him the role of a new superhero from the extended DC Universe. Recall that earlier Reynolds has already appeared in DC film adapters, playing a green lantern in the 2011 movie of the same name, but this time the actor can embody on the Golde Bousers screen, which is also known as the gold accelerator.

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Reynolds has long been removed in films belonging to the superhero genre, even if he was not always successful in this role. In addition to the "green lantern", there are roles in the Ranishds account as "Blade 3: Trinity" and "X-People: Beginning. Wolverine, "but all these projects are difficult to put an actor in the asset. In this regard, the real breakthrough for Reynolds became two parts of Dadpula, thanks to which he fixed in the status of a star name. Against the background of what "Deadpool 3" still remains in question, Warner Bros. And DC are ready to offer an act of a different option with the continuation of your "superhero" career.

However, at the moment information about the negotiations between Reynolds and Warner Bros. It remains only at the level of rumors, since authoritative sources do not confirm this information. As for the project about Bundere Golda, last year it was announced that work on the scenario comes to an end, although the schedule of this film is still unknown.

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