What kind of terrible story from life is based on the horror movie "Clearance"?


As you know, every fan of horror films, James Van's "spell" is largely based on real history. And we are talking not only about Ede and Lorrain Warren, who really investigated paranormal phenomena in real life. As it turned out, the terrible story of the family who claimed that she was haunted by an evil spirit, also quite truthful.

According to the plot, the family of Perron moves to the farmhouse on Rhode Island, but after a while it becomes clear that they live there are not alone. Perronams begins to annoy the evil spirit of the former hostess of the house Batshibi Sherman, with whom later and led the struggle Warren.

Coincidences with real life a lot. Real Roger and Caroline Perron also purchased a house on Rhode Island, and the seller hung off his dark history from them, simply offering to leave the light included at night. True, the spouses didn't at first, but once at night to their daughter Andrea, all of her four to death had frightened sisters, they realized that they were gave up with the purchase.

What kind of terrible story from life is based on the horror movie

But the peers were not a timid and under the onslaught of paranormal phenomena, there were still a decade in this house. For example, one of the younger girls often stated that "seven dead soldiers are hiding in the walls," and once Andrea, according to her, tried to hold an exorcism session over another sister, during which she began to levitate and speak different languages.

As a result, at the beginning of the 80s, the house sold the house, and then it was even open for some time to visit. As a result, it bought some kind of measles and Jennifer Hayce, which are also engaged in studying paranormal phenomena. And at least from the events shown in the "Climb", a lot of time has passed, thanks to the film they are perpetuated forever.

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